Our ergonomics and occupational health protection laboratory is certified by the State Health Institute. With the use of the latest modern technologies, we take research in ergonomics to a new level.
We are an Authorized ergonomics laboratory that employ important experts in the fields of ergonomics, physiology, occupational safety and industrial engineering. Thanks to the combination of many years of experience and deep knowledge of our team members, we achieve the best results.
As a laboratory, we have the following authorization sets:
• I07 - Measurement and assessment of total physical load
• I08 - Measurement and assessment of local muscle load
• I09 - Ergonomics of the workplace
Certificate of Authorization Number: F0050101521
You can find the authorization certificate here: authorization XR Institute s.r.o.
More information: https://szu.cz/sluzby/autorizace/program-autorizace/seznam-autorizovanych-laboratori/
Our employees meet the highest professional requirements in the Czech Republic. This is a professional qualification: 39-009-N Specialist in ergonomics, according to Act No. 179/2006 Coll., as amended.
More information: https://www.narodnikvalifikace.cz/kvalifikace-1384-Specialista_v_ergonomii
All services related to authorized measurements or professional evaluation are performed under the auspices of CIE Ergonomy s.r.o. - https://cie-group.cz/ergonomy/
If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us:
Ing. Martin Kába, Ph.D.
email: [email protected]
tel: +420 774 337 899
Risk analysis and categorization of work is one of the basic duties of every employer and is determined by Decree No 432/2003 Coll. Classification of a work activity into the relevant category determines how big is the likelihood of health risks in the work performance. With our authorized measurement and expert assessment, we accurately categorize the physical demands of each job. Your workplace is our priority, which is why we undertake a thorough ergonomic analysis that identifies potential risks and suggests appropriate measures for improvement of work environment. By improving ergonomics and reducing workload, we will increase the comfort of your employees while minimizing the risk of occupational injuries or illnesses.
We perform authorized measurements of total physical load, local muscle load and workplace ergonomics (work positions). All measurements are carried out with care and attention to valid methodological guidelines and authorization sets. The results of the measurements will be presented to you during the ergonomics workshop, where we will discuss together the specific needs of your organization and propose suitable rationalization solutions. We help companies to achieve an optimal working environment that promotes employee well-being and increases productivity.
Our workplace professional assessment services are designed to assess risk factors for total physical load, local muscular load and workplace ergonomics (work positions). Employers can use from the 1st May 2020 the following Law No 205/2020 Coll. to decide for the 2nd workplace category on the basis of a professional assessment. With our professional assessments you will get a comprehensive overview of the physical stresses in the workplace and clear recommendations on how to rationalize and improve working conditions. Our recommended measures will enable you to respond effectively to identified and minimize potential health risks for your employees.
We will carry out a complete inspection and analysis of the operation, including work procedures and administrative arrangements of the workplace. We define groups of workplaces in which we determine their risk factors. The audit results in a list of workplaces at risk and a list of recommended corrective measures. Our expert recommendations will help you to better understand how to improve occupational health and safety and how to properly optimize workplace operations. In addition, as part of our service, we will also recommend which workplaces should be measured or professionally assessed.
Specialized physiotherapy program "prevention of occupational diseases and workload compensation" is an appropriate employee benefit. The backbone element of the program is a rehabilitation with a physiotherapist present on the site during working hours. In addition to diagnosis and rehabilitation, we also provide ergonomic supervision and employee education in this area.
Our training courses are designed to introduce you to the latest ergonomics principles and techniques that are key to reducing risk while improving the efficiency of work processes. During the training we focus on the specific needs of industrial companies to provide practical tools and know-how to optimize working processes and designing ergonomically adapted workplaces. We will introduce you to the best practices and best strategies that will help you to achieve not only higher productivity, but also better well-being and satisfaction for your employees. We offer the ability to tailor training to your specific needs and requirements. With our individualized approach to ergonomics training in industrial companies, you get training that is fully customized to your industry, work processes and employees.
Key equipment of our laboratory. The device for measuring local muscular load using the integrated electromyography method. It allows full-shift recording of four EMG signals and pulse frequency calculated from a single-lead ECG. The memory capacity of the holter allows you to record data from all channels for 17 hours. After the measurement, the data are transferred to the computer and evaluated in special software.
It is a kinematic suit for the position detection of a person in real time. It contains a total of 17 motion sensors. As an additional device, we use Motion Capture Perception Neuron Studio Gloves containing 6 motion sensors for grip evaluation or gestures simulation.
Tensometric set for measuring push-pull forces.
The set of force meters from the JAMAR company is mainly used to measure the grip force or the forces exerted by the fingers of the hand during assembly. The set consists of a JAMAR Plus+ digital hand-held load cell (up to 90 kg) and a JAMAR digital finger load cell (up to 15 kg).
Watch and chest belt for monitoring the heart rate of the workers.